Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Not Just for Halloween

Halloween has come and gone and I did not participate this year because my plans were hijacked by a last minute change in my wife’s therapy schedule. Also I was recovering from a 24-hour bug, so I was better off staying home instead of prancing around in a short skirt on a cold October day.
And so it goes.

Meanwhile, I read some of my old Halloween posts and decided to revisit the one I posted in August 2017, shortly after my retirement.

In that post, Gina V asked...

Don't your colleagues ask you… How come you seem to be very good at turning yourself into a woman and enquire as to if there might be a bit more to it than the occasional Halloween appearance?

My reply...

Believe it or not, no one, male or female, has ever asked. Some have made humorous comments and some have complimented me on my appearance. I can only recall one snarky comment: one fellow wondered how I just happened to have all the makings of my costume just for Halloween, inferring that I dressed on other occasions, too.

Turns out that shortly after that post, I discovered that most of my colleagues assumed I was trans-something or other. In fact, many thought that I would dress en femme at work the last few weeks before I retired or at least, dress en femme for my going-away party.

Crossdressing for my last day of work and my going-away party crossed my mind, but I did not because I thought my trans-ness was safely locked away in my closet despite my Halloween appearances. That was very naive of me.

When I attended the company Christmas party en femme in December, I apologized to my closest friends because I felt guilty about my Halloween costume sham. They all said no apology was necessary because they assumed that my “costume” represented the real me; no harm was done.

Yes, no one ever asked me about my femulating skills – they didn’t have to.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Melanie Valentine
Another beautiful femulator, Melanie Valentine


  1. I would have thought now for Halloween you'd go out as Stan, a guy....

  2. "my 'costume' represented the real me - that is a validating assumption that helps us to see ourselves clearly.

  3. Yes, my wearing "women's" clothing which are really MY clothing is something I do far more frequently than being in DRAB (DRessed As Boy) which is really drab. And of course for me it's not just for Halloween. And I wear the clothing as "John" with no feminine name.
