Friday, July 26, 2024

Menswear Revolution: Embracing Womenswear

In a surprising twist in the world of fashion, the latest trend sweeping the globe is men embracing women’s clothing. This new fad, dubbed “Womenswear for Men,” is not just a fleeting trend but a bold statement of individuality and comfort.

From flowy skirts to elegant blouses, men are redefining traditional gender norms and finding freedom in styles previously reserved for women. Fashion icons and celebrities have been spotted sporting these looks, inspiring a wave of followers eager to experiment with their wardrobes.

Fashion experts attribute this shift to a growing acceptance of gender fluidity and a desire for more diverse and comfortable clothing options. “It’s about breaking down barriers and expressing oneself without constraints,” says renowned fashion designer Alex Monroe. “Men are discovering the versatility and comfort of women’s clothing and it’s changing the fashion landscape.”

   Charles Greene and son, Maurice, are two men who wholeheartedly embrace the 
   “Womenswear for Men” movement.

Retailers are quickly adapting to this trend, with many launching new lines specifically designed for men who want to explore women’s fashion. Popular items include tailored dresses, stylish jumpsuits, and even high heels designed for male feet.

Social media is abuzz with hashtags like #MenswearRevolution and #FashionFreedom, as men proudly share their new looks and inspire others to join the movement. Influencers are hosting virtual fashion shows and offering tips on how to incorporate women’s clothing into everyday wear.

Critics, however, argue that this trend is just a marketing gimmick. But for many, it’s a genuine expression of personal style and a step towards a more inclusive fashion industry.

As the trend continues to gain momentum, one thing is clear: the lines between men’s and women’s fashion are blurring and the future of style is all about embracing individuality and breaking free from traditional norms.

Stay tuned as we follow this exciting development in the world of fashion!


Here are some iconic pieces of womenswear that men are embracing in the latest fashion trend:

Skirts and Kilts: Skirts, especially pleated and A-line styles, are becoming popular for their comfort and freedom of movement. Kilts, traditionally worn by men in Scotland, are also making a comeback as a stylish and bold choice.

Blouses and Tunics: Flowing blouses and tunics offer a relaxed fit and are often made from lightweight fabrics, making them a comfortable and fashionable option.

Jumpsuits and Rompers: These one-piece outfits are practical and stylish, providing a sleek look that can be dressed up or down.

High Heels: Some men are experimenting with high heels, finding them to be a powerful fashion statement. Designers are creating heels specifically designed for men’s feet, combining style with comfort.

Leggings and Tights: Often worn for their comfort and versatility, leggings and tights are being paired with longer tops or under shorts for a modern, layered look.

Dresses: Tailored dresses that fit the male physique are becoming more common, offering a unique and elegant style that challenges traditional gender norms.

These pieces are not just about fashion but also about expressing individuality and breaking down gender barriers in clothing.

(Editor’s Note: This article is wishful-thinking fiction.)

Source: Paige
Wearing Paige

Walter Brennan
Walter Brennan femulating on television’s The Red Skelton Show in 1970.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Stuff: More Support

In my previous Stuff post, I wrote about finding support. That was directed at the CD/TG/TS among us. This time I’d like to take a different view – that of the significant other (SO).

First, I should clarify that I’m assuming most of us CDs are in a committed relationship – be it married, engaged or seriously involved with a partner. In general, I don’t think it matters what sex that partner is, they still need a support system. For the sake of convenience, I’ll refer to the SO with female pronouns here. 

Support for SOs

Those of us who have an SO in our life should be thinking about her need for support. I’m assuming that the SO knows about our CDing. It seems obvious to me that if the SO doesn’t know then the support question doesn’t come up. At least not for the CDing aspect of the relationship. 

For those where the SO knows but prefers a “don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) relationship, there is still a need for SO support. I would guess that these are the relationships that the SO could benefit most from finding some support. You may not talk about it, but the SO knows and in the back of her head, there is some uncertainty going on.

In relationships where the SO knows and is accepting, even she can benefit from some type of support. There are certainly professional therapists who she can visit with or without you. 

On a less formal basis, maybe she just wants to talk with other SOs in similar circumstances. This is where the CD belonging to a support group can be a real benefit to both parties. She can go to meetings with you and strike up friendships with the other SOs. It helps for them to know they aren’t the only ones in that situation and can see how others cope. I can say from personal experience that this has been a tremendous help for me and my SO.

I’ll be back

Yes, there will be more Stuff. In the meantime comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so if there is something you would like to read about please let me know!

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis femulating in the 1966 film Three on a Couch.