ENDA introduced in Senate
Supporters optimistic about swift passage in Congress
By Lisa Keen
An inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act is now on the move in the U.S. Senate. Long-time sponsor Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) introduced the bill on Aug. 5 along with Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine).
The Human Rights Campaign launched a lobby effort today to muster support for the legislation, asking supporters to send e-mails to their senators urging their support. (www.passendanow.org) The e-mail notes that in 29 states, there is no law to prevent an employer from firing someone because he or she is gay and, in 38 states, no law to prohibit an employer from firing someone for being transgender.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the first national gay political organization to push for a federal law to prohibit job discrimination against gays, in 1974, said it hopes the stated support of President Obama will "play a role in assisting with (the bill's) swift passage in both the House and the Senate."
Read all about it here.
I'm just worried that ENDA is going to end up on the back burner and forgotten in light of all the attention that health care reform is receiving. To avoid that, contact your people in Washington and ask them to support ENDA.
i've a favor 2 ask all the american ppl reading this, i'm a 22 year old transexual woman and i think if you could get your country to do such a thing like accepting this law the mexican government will move forward to a same law, u know why?, 'cause the most of the time the people here in mexico try to b like you, yeah!, i know is hard for some ppl to hear(or read)) that but is the closest thing to reality, we're always trying to improve and why?, 'cause the american government is the "new trend" and here in mexico with high society ppl always voting by the "verde ecologista" (green ecologist), just want to support laws like this to b cool, to be vanguardist and u know what?, its kinda cool to hve this laws approved, in mexico a recent law is the "transexual law" that support transgender ppl to change their names and identities and i think is awesome to have such law in function and btw is inspired in a american law, i think that if u could make a movement with that this brand new law u can get it famous and maybe here in mexico we'll hve it too!, so, please support it!