Thursday, September 14, 2023


Source: Rue La La
Wearing Qi Cashmere

Source: Transvestia
Barbara, circa 1961


  1. Just curious... Who is Barbara?

  2. I love this picture of Barbara, I read about her many years ago, first she was an amazing and pretty woman back in the time when dressing up and going out was considered a crime, she had access to an apartment where she essentially there with a double life as a woman was able to get an ID and a female name, and work temporarily as a Kelly girl I remember reading about her back in the 1980s with all and a bit of envy Paula G

  3. I love that blue shorts cute! Those sandals are really cute too! Lauren

  4. Oh, my! I haven't seen Barbara for years. Back in the 1960-1970s when I seriously was looking at stories and photos of CD and Trans-women Barbara's story was readily available. After school, Barbara decided to find work as a female. She was successful , and for a few years her male persona was put in the closet (so to speak) as she passed successfully as a woman. She did not take hormones or do anything except dress, use makeup and present as a female. Eventually she set Barbara aside and gave in to her "other side".

    Barbara was featured in a magazine, I can't be sure, maybe it was Transvestia, and contact information was included. I corresponded with her for a while. She shared that Barbara had been a part of her life from about 10-11 years old. She was really good at being a girl, and would regularly go out with other girls to movies, soda shops (remember them??) and to dances. Dances? Yes, she said she was a very good dancer and the boys never knew her secret. Remember, back then dancing was "couples dancing" with lead-follow. Think of the Betty Grable line about doing what Fred Astaire was doing except backward and in heels. Her girlfriends loved it.

    Barbara was bright, good at math,, personable and could type. She wasn't interested in the "boy jobs" she saw and decided to work as a girl. Keep in mind that back then drivers licenses didn't have photos and it was much easier to get fake IDs. Also, back then having a SSN was not required. It was pretty easy to go to a print shop and get a fake birth certificate, Social Security card and license. I had a fake birth certificate so I could get drinks while still underage. Barbara lived alone and worked for a few years. She told me things were getting uncomfortable with men after a while and decided to leave her Barbara persona. She was also starting to "feel" those male hormones. Perhaps my constant requests to meet added to her discomfort. When we corresponded Barbara was really torn between personas, but determined to move toward being male. On the other hand, she still dressed and went out as Barbara. She decided to get married and stopped all correspondence. I was certainly not the only person she corresponded with.

    For me, Barbara was living the ideal life. She became/was a woman without physical modification. How wonderful to be able to toggle between two personas with "just" a change of clothes, applying makeup and adjusting personalities. "Just", indeed! So few of us have this ability, but our Stana and Paula come immediately to mind. Thank you Stana, for bringing back one of my very first "heartthrobs" from the olden days. It's amazing what a person can do when (he-to-)she puts her mind to it.

  5. robyn once had a yahoo 360 blog giving her story as a young woman working. There is a flickr page with photos if you search for robyn1967, not Barbara. Pics were B&W but some were colourised, enjoy her story there.

    1. FWIW, I grabbed the photo from a 1961 issue of Transvestia, where she was called "Barbara," not "Robyn."

  6. BTW I hope your wife is improving at home.

    1. Thank-you. She is doing well. Just coming home was a shot in the arm!

  7. Here’s a link to her Flickr page, Mickki thanks for filling us in And all you know about Barbara space/Robin I am not sure whether she is still with us 11 years ago she stated she was having health problems, however there’s a lot of good information posted under her pictures if anyone is interested

    Mickki thank you for the wonderful compliment comparing me to Barbara she had a huge impact on me also, the fact that she was able to pass as a woman without hormones or surgery gave me hope that I could too

    Paula G
