Sunday, April 21, 2024

Nuns with Rulers

Source: Rue La La
Wearing 70/21

Duluth, Minnesota Central High School in 1973
Femulating at Duluth, Minnesota Central High School in 1973


  1. Duluth is not a civilian. and look at the smile. If it was her first time, it wasn't her last. and the brows...

  2. Yet another perfect femulation (especially the bustline) you've found Stana! Definately not "his" first time in pantyhose and a bathing suit. Where did you find it?

    1. That's too good of a tuck for a "civilian" to pull off! This cutie has "femulator" written all over her.

  3. According to my Roman Catholic friends who attended church school the nuns also used rules for discipline; hands flat on the desk, palms down, wham! Measuring the hemlines was not limited to Catholic schools. The assistant principal at my junior high school (1959-1962) stood at the entrance, admonishing the girls to yank their skirts down. Sometimes that did not work and the girls were sent home to change.

    1. To my knowledge, the nuns in my Catholic high school (class of 1969) did not use the rulers for corporal punishment, but they definitely used rulers for hemline enforcement. Some of the girls who passed hemline inspection managed to hike up their hemlines after class and often, during class.

    2. In my Catholic high school if the nun didn't have a ruler, she would use the "kneel technique". She would have the girl (no gurls back then) kneel, and if the skirt touched the floor, detention time.

    3. I think you meant to say if the skirt DID NOT touch he floor, detention time.

    4. I am not Catholic. I attended public school. One year my school shared a bus a route with a Catholic School. Each day after my group was picked up to go home the bus drove to the Catholic School for their kids.

      One day, as the Catholic kids got onto the bus, one boy pulled a half eaten peanut butter sandwich out of his lunch pail and threw it out of the window at a ferocious looking nun. He quickly ducked out of sight.

      The nun moved faster than I'd ever seen any move and was in the aisle of our bus yelling, "Danny McCarthy. You come here now!"

      The perpetrator stood up from behind a seat and cried, "Sister, I didn't do it. I didn't."

      She grabbed him by the ear and dragged him off the bus.

      It was a terrifying scene. I knew at that moment that I would never be rude to any nun ever. I hope Danny McCarthy survived that afternoon.


  4. Nuns and rulers makes me think of the scene in The Blues Brothers, where The Penguin (no, not the one from Batman - this one is far scarier! 😁) takes on our two -ahem- heroes.

    As to short hemlines, our local secondary school seems to have to send our reminders every few years about skirt length. I do wonder how some students manage to sit down and preserve their modesty and don't freeze in the winter, bless them. Oddly, none of my children's friends do the super short look.

  5. Wow, that Womanless Beauty Pageant contestant brings up a look I longed to achieve when I was a boy. I'd dream of looking pretty in a one piece. Sigh.


  6. I wonder what the status of Womanless Beauty Pageants is in the state of Florida at local high schools? There are many videos posted on Youtube of boys attired in prom dresses, accompanied by girlfriends or shown being helped by their moms.
