Monday, April 8, 2024

I've Got a Secret

People tell me I look good for my age in both boy mode and girl mode. Not bragging, but my experiences out among civilians tend to confirm that assessment.

I attended my high school’s 50th reunion in boy mode, but if I had attended in girl mode (something I had seriously considered doing and now regret not doing), I would have looked better than most of my female classmates. I was shocked how most of them had let their selves go and/or how badly they had aged. (In general, my male classmates held up a lot better than the girls. Go figure.)

In boy mode, I get the “look good for my age” all the time, but the most telling moment was when I was in the hospital visiting my wife last summer and one of the nurses thought I was my wife’s son, not her husband!

So what’s my secret?

For starters, I never smoked and I seldom drink alcoholic beverages (I probably average a drink once per month). 

I have been babying my face like forever. These days I use the following products on my face every day: Avon’s Isa Knox Anew Clinical Line Eraser with Retinol Treatment and Olay Complete moisturizer.

On my neck, I use Avon Solutions Dramatic Firming Cream. I originally used this product to remove the redness on parts of my neck due to sun damage. The cream successfully removed the redness and I wondered if using it was also the reason that I do not have a turkey neck like so many of my contemporaries. Not to mess with success, I continue to use the cream every morning even though my neck’s redness is long gone. 

I also have been using Avon Foot Works Deep Moisturizing Cream on my feet for years. Not many people see my bare feet so I don't use this product “for show,” however, the cream has done wonders healing rough and dry foot skin and increases my high heel stamina.

People do see my legs and after my knee replacement surgery, I was concerned about the scar. The healing process was slow, so I began using Avon Senses Cozy Vanilla & Coconut Body Lotion on my legs and that seemed to speed up the healing process. And I continued to use it on both legs as the scar is less of an issue.

Those are my secrets. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

(By the way, I am an Avon lady and have an online store. If you wish to purchase any Avon products mentioned above, click here to visit my store.)

Source: Rue La La
Wearing London Times

Cecil Beaton (center)
Cecil Beaton (center) and other femulators performing for the Cambridge University Footlight Dramatic Club, circa 1925.


  1. I attend a "wise aging" group (male mode). At the last meeting, I mentioned that my SO and kids want to take me somewhere for my birthday. Someone asked, "is it a big birthday?" I said it was. Someone else said "60"?
    I'll be 70 in June.

    And in what I believe has not happened in several decades, while shopping as Meg, the older man behind me on line referred to me as "miss". I'm guessing his vision is failing.

  2. I have to agree with you that may have no aged well due to lifestyle choices; eat and drink alcohol irresponsibly and it will take a toll on the body. Smoking is definitely an aging vice, especially for the face. However, genetics play a big part. Perhaps, you and I came from a good gene pool. At my last medical appointment the doctor said "You are remarkably healthy for your age! (76)" One thing good genes did not prevent is sun damage to my face probably due to playing too much baseball in the summer sun as a kid. I inherited my almost hairless body from my father; no hair follicles on my legs and sparse chest hair with no hair follicles on my back and underarms. My wife says "It's wasted on a guy." I hang out with a group of guys my age every week and have gotten to know a lot about their lifestyle habits and I think most of their aging ills have been accentuated by poor choices.

  3. As today is my 75th birthday I really needed that comment for I am sure it was directed towards me

  4. Liis ThornbergApril 09, 2024

    Stana--Love the Huskies cheerleader outfit. How fun. You're fabulous!

  5. Let's not forget the famous photo of F. Scott Fitzgerald looking very femme and very pretty for a Princeton theater event. Had I been born many years ago, I would have been first in line when the school was casting the female parts!!
