Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Perfect Match


Source: Rue La La
Wearing Piazza Sempione

Stas Fedyanin
Stas Fedyanin


  1. The femulator certainly is very feminine looking but in my humble opinion he perpetuates the unhealthy anorexic model look and therefore is not really the body type we should be trying to f/emulate.

  2. Today's funny makes me wonder about the size of the universe of F2M crossdressers. I'm not talking about women wearing meanswear, which is acceptable and ubiquitous (as it should be for men wearing womenswear, but I digress...). I mean women who hide the curves we yearn to create, create the bulge we try to hide, and develop their own manly voices, mannerisms, postures, etc etc. I would imagine it's a much smaller number than M2F CDs because, let's face it, being a woman is so much more fun;)

  3. It seems so many women have adopted the "plain and ugly" presentation that have bedeviled the convention of men in terms of presentation in so many ways: short hair, trousers, flat shoes, and either no makeup or minimal makeup. I am a rebel to the "plain and ugly" presentation by wearing dresses and painted nails, and for formal wear, heels and makeup.
    When my wife was alive she had her hair cut short and I had and still have my hair long. She seldom wore dresses, and she could not wear heels, and she didn't want to anyway.

