Thursday, August 4, 2022

Someday Funnies

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Bobby Kimber
Bobby Kimber, professional femulator and ventriloquist


  1. Such a beautiful daddy!

  2. Did you mean: Bobbie Kimber?

    1. I meant Bobbie, but my spell checker meant Bobby.

  3. As usual, Stana sent me on a search for more Bobbie Kimber information. There's a fair amount out there. Apparently Bobbie was asked to sub for a female impersonator back in the 1930s. Already a ventriloquist, Bobbie decided to become a woman ventriloquist, and did so for many years. Bobbie was married and had a daughter. When Bobbie's wife died, Bobbie apparently chose to live the rest of her life as a woman.

    Bobbie Kimber was clearly "not a civilian", but there's nothing to be found about her earlier life. She chose to not reveal her actual sex and let audiences believe she was a woman ventriloquist. From what I read, everyone believed she was a woman and only some reporting revealed her actual male sex. That did not change her practice of not revealing her sex when performing. Apparently she was very convincing as a woman. I found this EBay ad for a Bobbie Kimber photo. Honestly, this very attractive woman could have fooled me, and I have excellent "trans-dar".
    There's a later trans ventriloquist, now dead, who was excellent. Terri Rogers, who was a femulator prior to her transition.

    I love your discoveries, Stana. This one of Bobbie Kimber is a real gem!

  4. Housework is so much more enjoyable when dressed enfemme! I would wash dishes all if I could wear that pretty pink outfit:)
    Ciao! Elise

  5. I once read a story of ventriloquist who was barely 20 something, he was good but he didn't have routine, so a strange idea that he dress up as a girl if a male dummy. with a few others change to a 16, 17 girl he/she act became more girl, than guy.
