Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday en femme

20091201 I am very busy today and do not have time to write about my day out en femme on Tuesday. I promise to write all about it real soon now, but until then, I will leave you with a photo of myself ready to go out yesterday morning.

As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”


  1. Staci-Lana

    Looks like a very happy day. Can't wait, but will wait for all the scoop.

    Thanks in advance for the great ambassadorial work.

    And, yeah, the shoes work...

    xoxo - Petra

  2. Looking good, Staci. Of course, black *is* my favorite color and you wear it well. All that is missing is... well, the rest of the story. :) I know you did a fine job of *reaching out* and educating. I look forward to reading the details.

  3. Petra --- It was an excellent day out and yes, the shoes worked.

  4. Gabrielle --- Thank you, but the dress is actually dark brown, which is a new color for me.
