I did not sleep well last night.
I attended my workshop in the morning.
I did not hear a discouraging word. A number of people, both male and female, took the initiative to engage me in conversation.
It was hot and humid, not my kind of weather when wearing a wig and foundation garments, but after the workshop, I went out on the town.
I walked four blocks up to Sephora and bought some makeup, then I crossed the street to visit Macy's. The store is huge. It just goes on and on and on.
I found a beautiful dress and I tried it on. It fit fine, but it was very low cut and I just don't have the body for it. So, I did not buy it.
I was very, very tired and returned to my hotel. I just wanted to rest and I did not look forward to going out to dine.
Like magic, someone slipped some menus for takeout under my door, and I took advantage of their offerings and had Japanese take-out delivered to my room. For dessert, I hit the vending machine and had a strawberry Pop-Tart.
It was not a glamorous evening in the Big Apple, but being a girl is not glamorous most of the time, and so it goes.
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