Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Real Life Experience

Has this ever happened to you? It really happened to me.

My wife and I were shopping for Christmas presents in Macy’s. She wanted to get a sweater for me. On the way to the men’s department, I saw a manikin displaying a to-die-for dress.

As we perused men’s sweaters, I could not get my mind off that dress. My heart was not into looking at menswear and I finally suggested to my wife that if she wanted to get me something that I would really like, she should gift me that dress. 

She happily agreed and we returned to the women’s department to see if they had the dress in my size. We found my size, but I did not want to try it on in boy mode with my wife in tow*, so she bought the dress and luckily it fit when I tried it on at home. And I received a gift that I really liked!

* I have tried on a lot of womenswear in boy mode, but I did not want to embarrass my wife, so I was loathe to do so in this scenario.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Artur Chamski
Artur Chamski femulating Malgorzata Walewska on Polish television’s Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo (Your Face Sounds Familiar).
Click here to view this femulation on YouTube.


  1. My heart is never into looking at menswear... Ever

  2. Your true gift is your understanding, accepting, loving wife

  3. My first experience of trying on clothes while in male clothing was at an Avenue store. I "sneaked" into an out-of-the-way dressing room. When I checked out the clerk told me all I had to do was ask one of the staff to let me in a dressing room -- I wasn't the first and won't be the last man to try on clothes. After that I felt free to try clothes on, and soon "graduated" to shopping while dressed. Then I found out about Catherine's -- same deal. THEN..... both stores shuttered their retail stores! Booooo!

    I was now used to trying on clothing by then, and I knew Macy's would bock the male me, so I did my very best at dressing, picked out my items and walked into the dressing room like I owned the place. I always got a good reception from the other ladies and one of the long-time clerks said, "You've done a good job, Hon". in her best Baltimore accent. Not bad for being "just a crossdresser" who doesn't really pass -- not a fabulous "woman in a man's body" like our beautiful Stana. It's almost amazing what the right attitude will empower you to do.

  4. AnonymousMay 23, 2024

    Thanks for another great link, Stana. I watched and listened to Artur Chamski's performance. His singing of that female part was really very good. I love the outfit too.
    Penny from Edinburgh.
