Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tuesday Toon

Source: Rue La La
Wearing IRO

Jaime Camil
Jaime Camil femulating on Mexican television’s Por Ella Soy Eva.


  1. Por Ella Soy Eva a Mexican novella where a man in order to escape the law fakes his death and takes on the identity of a woman. Looks like she's been promised as a bride Oh well!!!! Great femulations here --Paula G

  2. I guess I follow the naming convention as shown in "Femulating Circa 2050" in that I use my masculine and real name "John" when I am en femme, which is the vast majority of the time.

  3. Why aren't they giving Por Ella Soy Eva today at 5pmvtoday Oct 3rd 2023 like usual?

  4. I was at a Mexican restaurant getting food to-go. I sat on a stool at the bar and waited. There was a show on the TV and a really tall woman eventually went to someone's house and sat like a man. I figured that she was a man. There was no audio. I wondered what it was. It was Por Ella Soy Eva! Thank you for answering my question!
