Monday, January 2, 2017

Male Beauty Bloggers

Read all about InStyle's Top 5 Male Beauty Bloggers to Follow in 2017

Manny Mua
Manny Mua

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard.



  1. Thanks again for the excellent blog/website that I know must take up so much of your time and requires enormous effort to keep going. I think therefore that you must be very appreciative of contributions and comments or feedback from fellow femulators. I post the following on the basis that it is open for discussion and to generate further feedback. Namely: I am somewhat nonplussed (if that is the correct word) - perhaps, demotivated, unconvinced, disenchanted, discouraged even - by the use of heavily Photoshopped images that turn a normal 'chap' with an average wig and basic makeup into a glamorous female of whatever disposition that is required. It is all a bit illusionary and sends an incomplete message to the wannabe females. The real message is: 'for a male to look good as a woman is really hard both emotionally and in the basic skills department. So don't think that with a few dollars worth of makeup you can turn yourself into a beautiful young woman. Not even most real women can achieve that!' The image of Manny Mua is an example that pushes the expectations of what we would all love to achieve into the realms of the 'Barbie' impossible. Even the good T-magazines and websites contain much fantastical feminising in this manner which to be honest doesn't help in getting more of us 'out there' - in the real world. Regards, Catherine.

  2. Your "femulatee"/"femulator" graphics gave me an idea. You know what would be fun for your "femulate her"/"femulator" slot sometimes? Have a famous woman in the "femulate her" spot, and someone who impersonates that famous woman in the "femulator" spot.
