Friday, March 18, 2016

Transgender Tweets: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Source: HauteLook
Wearing Black Halo.

Peter Butterworth
Peter Butterworth in the 1966 British film Carry On Screaming.


  1. Stana, where did these maps come from? I'd love to have a word with the source about color choices. At first I was pleasantly surprised by how green the second map was, until I realized that green meant very few supportive tweets and red meant lots of support!

    1. Twitter is the source, Ben. Yes, the color-coding of the two maps are the opposite of each other and thus, can be confusing until you look a little closer.

  2. Very interesting. Liberal states like Mass., R.I., Minn. have a greater incidence of anti - T tweets than conservative places like Texas, Florida, La. and Miss. The cities with the worst record regarding anti T tweets show similar results.

    1. My take is just the opposite, Pat. The color-coding of the two maps conflict with each other. Orange and yellow on the first map are in not good for us, while the greens are in our favor. Whereas on the second map, greens are bad and orange and yellows are good.

    2. In any event the spread is rather small from .9 to 1.6 per 100K

  3. Without seeing the underlying methodology it is hard to determine what this means. There does seem to be a correlation between the two maps however. It just appears that states such as CA, NY, FL, TX tweet about transgender issues, both negative and neutral, than the green states.

  4. I see my state is in the middle of the trend. But half our state are right wing idiots and half good liberal people who have brains. Don't judge us by the first half.
