Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Accelerate Gender Parity

March 8 is International Women's Day.

Celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. Yet let's also be aware progress has slowed in many places across the world, so urgent action is needed to accelerate gender parity. Leaders across the world are pledging to take action as champions of gender parity.

Globally, with individuals pledging to move from talk to purposeful action - and with men and women joining forces - we can collectively help women advance equal to their numbers and realize the limitless potential they offer economies the world over. We have urgent work to do. Are you ready to accelerate gender parity?

Click here to Make A Pledge Now!

Source: Belle & Clive
Wearing Komarov.

Zackary Drucker
Zackary Drucker at the 2016 Amazon Studios Golden Globe Awards Party.


  1. Dear Stana,

    I had the pleasure of meeting Zackary Drucker at SCC (Southern Comfort Conference) last September. She had a presentation on the award-winning TV series, "TRANSPARENT". She is an Executive Producer, and acted in a couple of the episodes. She was also in the season premiere of the 2nd season of "I AM CAIT". She showed the first episode of TRANSPARENT, and talked about season 2, and that season 3 had just be approved. I got to chat with her for a couple of minutes after the presentation. She is delightful ... very unassuming and genuinely friendly, and gorgeous, and oh so naturally feminine. I really enjoyed her presentation and our chat.



  2. Stana: Ya conoces a Cait, ahora te presento a la señora Felicia Garza (antes, Felipe Gil); ha compuesto maravillosas canciones y su historia es un éxito en sí mismo; espero lo disfrutes y le dediques unas líneas en tu hermoso blog:

    https://youtu.be/YHN_EqEparo - Reportaje

    https://youtu.be/fKB2TJVlH0k - Canción "La Felicidad"

    http://www.musica.com/letras.asp?letra=1909494 (letra)
