We are lousy tippers.
Seida works at an eatery in Provincetown and wrote, "Now, y'all don't get me wrong-- I love all my Trans sisters & brothers. Just another color of the rainbow. It's just that they're so damned stingy with their tips! Worse than the Lesbians of Women's Week. (Although generally less demanding than the Dykes.) I guess they're stingy because they're saving up for the next surgery or new outfit. One day, tips totalled less than $8 for the entire day! Come on, girls! Seida's got to make a living too! I need new outfits (and wigs, makeup, etc.) too!"
We are not fashionistas.
"Trannies could use some style tips... Makeup, clothing, hair, accessories, etc. from the [drag] queens. If I saw another 6' 'gal' this week in ugly flats, boring black business skirt and mis-matched blouse, topped by a most atrocious polyester matted wig, I thought I would abduct her, take her home and glamorize her! Maybe that's what happened to Ashley... She found a Trannie to train! I mean, you came to Ptown to live a full week as your alternate gender self! Live it up! Let your hair down (or put it up). Everybody here knows you're Trans, and we love you anyway and call you by your girl (or boy) names. Even if you never tip and still walk like a lumberjack."
To tell you the truth, I may be guilty on both counts.
I usually tip 15 to 20% unless the service is lousy, so depending on what is considered "stingy," I might be a lousy tipper in some service people's eyes.
During the day at Fantasia Fair, I usually dressed conservatively to fit in (as in the photo above right), but like Seida wrote, everyone knows we are trannies, so why not glam it up. Next time, I will take her advice and glam it up 24/7.
Hi Staci, Although Seida Bacon's comments are credible, I wouldn't characterize her as a "civilian," exactly, since she is the drag queen persona of Jay Thomson. --Kasumi
ReplyDeleteWhen in P-town I always find the time to eat at Napi's. Especially for breakfast but I just can't resist the oysters with a nice chilled vodka martini. And I always leave a generous tip!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the repost. I hope I didn't hurt anybody's feelings... My post was just the rantings of a hard working "pig in a wig". I have a lot of respect for anybody who dresses across gender--whether for fun or as a lifestyle. As I see it, there's room for all colors in the rainbow. I just wish y'all were more generous at tipping your humble servers! I did see a number of M2F Trans who looked great, too!
And Anonymous, I think Staci was referring to me as a civilian because I live in Ptown, and was not attending Fantasia Fair.
Seida Bacon
Seida Bacon
Kasumi --- Thank you for the heads-up.
ReplyDeleteRita --- Napi's was one of my favorite places to eat in P-Town.
Seida --- I believe that what you wrote were legitimate concerns and needed airing to help make us better people.