Monday, December 12, 2022


Mondays have a bad reputation. To counteract Mondays’ notoriety, I invite you to view this remarkable Christmas-themed commercial from J&B. (Thank you Anna María for alerting me to this ad.)

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Rue La La

Leslie Langford
Leslie Langford sighs, “I wish I had a Christmas party to go to where I could wear this dress. I think it really suits me.” (Yes, it does, Leslie!)


  1. joanne askewDecember 12, 2022

    What a wonderful ad!
    And yes, Leslie, a great dress just begging for a party to go to!

  2. Oh my gosh that commercial, all the time watching it I thought it was their grandfather who was transgender this is the definition of love love love oh my gosh that video is so powerful

  3. Re the video: I can relate to the first part. For the opening of a monthly zoom meeting, Meg appeared. There were about 8 or 10 men on the call. No-one said anything although the topic of the meeting would have made it OK to do so. That was the only one of the next six or so where Meg appeared.
    Several months later, I sent an e-mail comment relevant to the group to the group members. One, a man in his late 70s/early 80s, wrote me back and asked me to call. I did. He said his wife (who I knew) had died about six months earlier and he just had an urge to wear her clothes and makeup and he'd been doing it a bit at home. He remembered my initial appearance and wanted to know if we could meet up and chat.
    We did, with me in drab. I gave him some references (including this blog) and offer of aid and contacts but only heard back once or twice. I suspect he's trying to digest this change of direction... maybe this is his "purge". I haven't asked. I do admire his courage in coming out to a relative stranger who knows a group of his peers, and hope he's coming to terms with his gender euphoria.

  4. Wow - thanks for sharing that ad.

  5. The commercial was beautiful!

  6. WOW! Loved the video. Thanks for sharing.

  7. OMG, Stana! Why did you have to make start crying on a Monday morning?
    Such a wonderful message! Thank you for sharing it.

  8. That commercial made me very emotional. Great find and thanks for sharing.

  9. Beautiful commercial. As a grand to a granddaughter and a grandson I have and will always support either in any thing he or she does. Love has not limits.
