“When people call me a girl or misgender me I don’t really care. To me, gender is over. Gender is so last year.”
That is a snippet from an excellent article written by a 13-year-old named C.J. I think is a perfect piece to conclude the previous three posts and I thank Velma for alerting me to the article. Without further adieu, I invite you to read what C.J. had to say
Wearing Ann Taylor |
At a recent womanless beauty pageant, I’m guessing that’s Mom in the middle, her son on the right and his friend on the left. |
C.J. is an awesome kid! And mm and dad and brother are wonderfully supportive! I'm so happy for them
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that whoever influenced them to believe that gender is a non issue in our society is living in their own fantasy world. Young people are usually easily influenced by our world around them which include people in their sphere with their own Bias and Prejudices. History has shown that we need to teach our children how to look at issues with the proper current perspective. Beliefs left unchecked/unchallenged can become a breeding ground that a charismatic leader can possibly use to control people/societies in to believing their form of government is the only way to go enabling them to govern in a dictatorial way which also includes them crushing all opposition voices. Hopefully in the near future C.J. will consider all possible perspectives and realize that gender does matter at this time in our society to a certain extent. Maybe someday it may become a non issue but at this time it still is.
ReplyDeleteIf you had actually read (subscribed) to the entire blog, you would have realized that CJ is the real deal. No one influences him. He is his own person [sic]. Contents of that blog are written by CJ on his own behalf. Additional commentary was written by his mother, in here own person, as first person observer.
DeleteHistory has shown that persons lacking rules of CRITICAL THINKING fall for just about any charismatic coming down the pike.
As far as misguided charismatic leaders go, where have you been? The sheeple are dutifully following one leader in particular in a goose-step style lockstep over an existential cliff.....
"When everyone is thinking the same, nobody is really thinking". attributions to B.Franklin/ G.Patton
me thinks you are not part of this community....
Not really sensible to base your future \Wonderland on an adolescent suffering from gender dysphoria. Feminists may squawk "gender is a social construct" or some other fatuous response but Nature doesn't give two hoots for navel-gazing theories. The archetypal masculine and the archetypal feminine are complete opposites - sun and moon, fire and water, active and passive. As mere mortals we have these qualities to a greater or lesser degree,
DeleteTo a child the rainbow is a real thing substantial and palpable. You have rainbow illusions of reality.
Perhaps one day you'll appreciate the millions of years Nature has spent in giving you a sexually identifiable body and a gender to match.
For those persons who did not read one of the first readers comments in CJ's most recent post, I offer the link below.
ReplyDeleteThe link certainly speaks of "the BAD ol'. days".
The comment appears to be the very first one posted on February 20,2020 6:03 am by V.J. Knutson
In many subtle ways, 'those days' seem to be returning.