Tuesday, May 18, 2010

a designing woman plus

dixie_carter It has been awhile since I added any tall ladies to the Famous Females of Height List, but today, I have three additions.

Baylor University basketball player, Brittney Griner, is 6’8” (thank you Petra for that).

Newscaster Laurie Dhue is 6’3” (thank you Allison for that).

Dixie Carter, the late actress of television’s Designing Women fame, was 5’8” and appears in the photo (right). (I used to fantasize about being the fifth female on the staff of Sugarbakers Design House.)


  1. We shared the same fantasy! Which is one of the reasons I chose my previous name that I used for years (Suzanne). If I couldn't be on the show, I wanted to be like Suzanne Sugarbaker!

  2. I saw this morning that Jean Smart has the Governor part on the "Hawaii 5-0" reboot this fall.
