Tuesday, I join two or three other transfolk to do outreach at two human sexuality classes at Southern Connecticut State University. I have lost count of the number of outreaches I have done since my first one back in May 2006, but I keep coming back because it gives me an opportunity to inform college-aged people that crossdressers are real people too and not the caricatures that appear on television shows such as Jerry Springer.
If time permits, I also plan to do some shopping before I do outreach (I need a winter coat).
Sunday will be something new for me. I will be the hostess for my support group's Very Indulgent Party at the local Dress Barn. In addition to being hostess, I will also be a model in the fashion show during the party. Fifteen members and their significant others have RSVP'd and it should be a lot of fun.
Outreach can be a lot of fun, and educational for all involved. I used to participate in a Sociology course at UNCC. I went as part of a group that included crossdressers, post-op ladies and people in between, like me. We tried to show them how broad the spectrum was, and I always came away feeling like I had accomplished something.