Monday, January 27, 2025

Stuff 56: Posing

By J.J. Atwell

Good Pictures are Important

I think that the second biggest interest of CDs, after the clothing, is having pictures of our girl self. That certainly describes me. I’ve got quite a collection of JJ’s pictures, mostly a simple pose, to document my look at the time. For that purpose a simple pose against a plain wall is all I need. But does it really show my girl self? Thinking about all the pictures I see of women, I notice that is not how they pose in most photos. They seem to have found the right pose to really give their best look. Time to find what works for us. 

Unique Poses

There was recently a story on NPR that gave some good tips about how best to pose. Although directed at women, especially young women, this might be of interest for your CDing pictures. Check out this link for their suggestions.

Yes, those are a bit over the top to my eyes. But it does make some good points. Instead of a static pose with your arms at your side and legs together, how about loosening up a bit? Use you hands to gesture or point. Look like you are doing something besides just standing there. Turn to the side or twist your body. Look at the camera or at a particular object. Be animated. And above all, smile. 

Be Yourself

A tough one to convey when posing for the camera – think about your image. Are you just standing there to document the outfit? Or is the picture showing you out and about actually doing something? If it is just documentation, you can still have fun with it. Stretch your arms out or put one hand on your hip. Turn one foot to the side to show off those shoes. 

Adding little touches like that still serves the purpose of documenting the picture, but it also adds interest. It makes you look like you are having fun, not just trying on clothes. Show off those curves you worked (shopped) so hard to add.

I’ll Be Back

I’ll be back with more Stuff in the next installment. Comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff so let me know what you would like to read about.

Wearing Shein
Wearing Shein

Alan Sues femulating on television’s Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In.
Alan Sues femulating on television’s Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In.


  1. Good points JJ! Every girl seems to know what her “good side” is. : )

    1. You've noticed that! Yes, I suspect it's a byproduct of this world where women are judged by how they look. So they spend time making sure that they look their best. JJ

  2. Great article Jamie I wrote a similar one back a while ago for those who are interested here it is Paula G

    1. Thanks for posting this link Paula. Great reading. JJ

  3. Great article! Now I have Vogue by Madonna running through my head. 🎶strike a pose🎶

    During a purge several years ago, I threw out a thumb drive that had dozens of photos that I had taken of myself in various outfits. The clothes and shoes are replaceable, but those photos aren't. At least the memories remain...
