Sunday, September 9, 2007

nervous and excited

Five days until the fashion show and now the excitement and nervousness is building! I am excited because this is something new for me that I always wanted to do, but I am also getting a little stage fright.

I lost 8 pounds in preparation for the show and I will probably lose a few more before Friday. As a result, my face lost its puffiness and the outfits I will be modeling look better on my slightly slimmer bod.

I began the process of hair removal today. Both outfits I will be modeling have revealing necklines, so I shaved my boobs and underarms today. I will revisit them on Friday and also use Nair on my arms and legs to free them of hair.

I hope it is cooler on Friday than it has been the last few days. The forecast calls for highs in the high 70s and lows in the mid 60s, which is an improvement. I hope the forecast turns out to be accurate.


  1. First of all the restaurant is air conditioned.

    You might be nervous about going on stage, but I am one of the ones who are coordinating it. So far all the pieces are starting to fall together but we have no idea how many people will show up.
    So I am biting my nails in hopes of a strong turn out.

  2. Great! I ate in a restaurant last night where the AC was non-existent and I was glad I was not en femme.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that the attendance will be good!

  3. Don't be nervous or afraid at all, I will have you in my prayers.
    Actually you should know how many people are out there like me who are just jealous on you that you will be able to explore your girlside within yourself, something that I am not so thrilled to be able to do, although I do have a strong desire to be dress in femme.

    All the best.


    Your freind

  4. Thank you for your support, Shirah.
