Monday, March 8, 2021

Male Woman

70 years old today and counting

Today is International Women's Day

As we prepare to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, our resolve to keep pushing for gender equality is stronger than ever. And we won’t stop until girls and women are equal everywhere.

That’s because equality is her birthright, enshrined in the UN Charter, but it isn’t her reality. Despite some progress, there is no place or part of life where a girl or woman has the equal rights or opportunities as a boy or man.

As a male woman, I am very sympathetic to these goals. Though some would say that I have “male privilege,” I would argue that male women are treated worse than cisgender women and I yearn to achieve the same equality sought by women.

Even living much of my life disguised as a man, my natural femininity marked me as less than a man and I was treated accordingly by both males and females. 

Living as a male woman was an improvement. I was living as my true self and females seemed to embrace me as someone who had joined their team. On the other hand, males treated me even more poorly than they did when I was in my man disguise.

I am sure that all male women have had similar experiences and also long for gender equality.

Wearing New York & Company

Wearing New York & Company




  1. "Equality is not like pie - someone else having more doesn't mean you have less."

  2. Happy Birthday Stana (I'm assuming from your caption!). Nobody will ever believe that you are 70! Maybe 39!

  3. Happy birthday Stana!🎂🎉👠

    And the daddy/daughter picture is amazing!

    1. Thank you, Tina. After visiting Olive's Instagram page, I believe that the daughter is actually Olive's spouse.

  4. Happy Birthday Stana! 😊🎈

  5. Happy birthday, and happy women's day. Sue x

  6. Happy Birthday, Stana, and Happy International Women's Day, ladies! Here's to the day when all people are treated equally.

  7. Dear Stana,



    Sheila from Tampa

  8. Your blog today is so very appropriate, at least it echoes my experiences. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays!

  9. Dear Stana ,
    I watched Modern Couple youtube video , Very Lovely !

  10. Wow. It is my birthday today too. I have always loved that it falls on International Women's Day. 7. Years behind you -- Happy Birthday woman!!

    1. Thank you, Lisa, and happy birthday!
